

“An extraordinary life is all about continuous daily improvements in the areas that matter the most” Robin Sharma

The New Year is a logical starting point for creating good habits and a tradition for many to make New Year’s resolutions. This year I would like to challenge you to make your resolution breaking bad habits rather than adding new things to your plate. What I mean is instead of making resolutions to do more (exercising, reading, eating healthier), make resolutions to eliminate the things that rob your time and health (watching TV, drinking, spending money unnecessarily, etc.). By quitting bad habits, you will naturally have room to replace them with positive habits. For example, if you get rid of your TV, you will be able to fill your time with things that matter like reading or exercise.

How do you know what should be cut from your life?

Reflect on this past year and recall the highlights. What did you enjoy doing most? Repeating those experiences in the coming year will ultimately make you happier. Take out a piece of paper and fold it into thirds longwise. In the first column, write the highlights from the last year. In the second column, write the things you need in order to make those experiences happen again. In the third column, write what you need to stop doing in order to have more of what is in the second column.

For example, my friend’s favorite thing from this past year was visiting Yosemite with his wife, that is what is written in his first column. He decided that in order to take a trip like that again this year, he needs money. That is in second column. In order to have more money, my friend resolved to stop spending money on eating out. By making meals at home instead of eating out, he will save money and put it toward a fun vacation.

I hope this exercise will help you make the right resolutions and have your best year ever.

As we kick off the new year, I would like to thank you for taking the time to join me today and for your continued support in 2018.

Happy New Year!

Thank you,

Rogelio H. Charles