Small talk


“Life is not just the paling of time. Life is the collection of experiences and their intensity” Jim Rohn

Small talk is a good way to break the ice and start talking to someone, but once you get past the formal introduction you need to engage in a deeper conversation that is going to make it more memorable than how is the water?. Coming together with loved ones and family over the holiday season is a good time to catch up with members it makes it a lot easier to talk to them because they are not strangers, probably the one icebreakers needed are with family members that are coming out of town. Following I am going to share some advice for engaging in minimal conversations.

Make it about the other person.

Ask what are some of their interest and hobbies.

Make an honest compliment on a garment that they a wearing.

Special during the season of “ugly sweaters” you can always ask where did you buy that?

If you see someone on their phone is because probably they feel left out, ask if you would like to take a picture of them that’s one way of engaging, and that’s also a friendly reminder for your self to put the phone away.

To make the holiday season memorable take a lot of pictures, with all the social media platforms and cloud-based storage devices making a digital album and charing it its easier than ever. Remember to be safe and have fun.

Thank you,

Rogelio H. Charles